Brainstorm Blog #3
For this project I wanted to be transported into another world/dimension. Either going through a portal or going to sleep. Waking up in a house in the middle of nowhere just hearing the sounds of the wind howling. Then I open the front door of the house and it transports me to a new place, somewhere in space where I’m still alone and nowhere to run to. So I just step off and I keep falling and falling and falling until I am in the desert sand and still by myself and don’t know where to go. Then a train came to wake me up. I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going somewhere. The train then came to a stop in front of a big skyscraper to drop me off. Getting off the train I was transported to one of the balconies of the tower, I started to feel at peace and then out of nowhere something or someone pushed me off then I woke up.

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See All For this project I wanted to be transported into a dream. Either going through a portal or going to sleep....