My Artist Statement
I was born in Thailand, but spent half of my life in Aurora, CO. I was inspired to take on Environmental Design by my parents and grandparents who used their natural resources to produce everyday necessities back in Thailand. This experience has inspired me to focus on sustainable environmental access design when it comes to her work. While living in Aurora, CO a diverse community and coming to a predominantly white institution, this has motivated me to create products that are environmentally accessible to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) communities. I am also interested in improving not only human life, but also the life of the natural environment in the design field. A couple of my work deal with meditating. I love to make 3D render objects and just make it all go crazy by adding different textures and colors. I love to explore different materials and different mediums to see what I work best with. I have worked with wood and made some chairs, worked with acrylic and made some lights. 3D print different objects and add natural materials to it, to explore different senses of touch. My recent work is acrylic, wood and LED light combined. In the future I would love to get out of my comfort zone by exploring different colors that I'm not comfortable with, and materials that I’m not familiar with. I would like to bring 3D render objects into illustrator, photoshop and other digital platforms to create something new.